Intake & Enrollment
There are 10 Colorado long-term care waivers and three additional state-funded programs. A&I Avenues also offers a three-year program for individuals diagnosed with Autism in Boulder and Broomfield Counties. A waiver is an extra set of Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid program) benefits for people who are determined to need long-term services and support beyond what is available through regular Medicaid. These benefits are designed to help individuals remain in their home-setting of choice in their community of choice.
A&I Avenues is the Case Management Agency for Boulder, Broomfield and Gilpin Counties. We contract with the state of Colorado to provide Case Management. We offer the following programs:
Medicaid Waivers:
Children's Extensive Support (CES)
Children's Habilitative Residential Services (C-HRP)
Children with Life Limiting Illnesses (CLLI)
Children's Home and Community Based Services (C-HCBS)
Supported Living Services (SLS)
Developmental Disabilities (DD)
Community Mental Health Supports (CMHS)
Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH)
Elderly, Blind, and/or Disabled (EBD)
Brain Injury (BI)
State Programs:
State Supported Living Services (State SLS)
Family Support Services Program (FSSP)
OBRA Waiver
Other Programs:
Autism Spectrum Disorder Program (ASD)
Early Intervention (EI)
Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
Home Care Allowance (HCA)
To see more information about each program, click on the button below.
How to Apply For Services
More Detailed Information
A&I Avenues proudly serves Broomfield, Boulder, and Gilpin Counties. If you need to find the Case Management agencies responsible for other counties, please visit the CMA and CCB Agency Directory provided by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing.
Every individual receiving services needs to review and sign our Privacy Practices and Grievance and Complaint Procedures at least once a year. You can access these forms by clicking the links below:
Privacy Practices (link to form coming soon)​
Individuals, family members, and providers are welcome to submit referrals. The person receiving services must desire community-based services and be willing to participate in the enrollment process and services offered by the waiver or program they choose. Once a referral is submitted, the individual receiving services or their guardian must sign a release of information form to allow others to participate in their care at A&I Avenues. Guardians, please provide a copy of your court-ordered guardianship letter at the beginning of the intake process.