Services for Adults
A&I Avenues provides resources, assistance, and access to programs for adults with both temporary and permanent disabilities. These services are personalized and designed to provide adults with tools and resources they need to best meet their needs, goals, and desires.
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Elderly, Blind, and Disabled Waiver (EBD)
The HCBS Waiver for persons who are Elderly, Blind, or Disabled (EBD) provides assistance to people ages 65 and older who have a functional impairment, or are blind, or to people ages 18-64 who are physically disabled, and require long-term supports and services.
Supported Living Services Waiver (SLS)
The Supported Living Services (SLS) waiver provides necessary services and supports for individuals with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities so they can remain in their homes and communities with minimal impact to individuals' community and social supports.
Program Comparison
What does BI provide?
Adult Day Services
Assistive Devices
Behavioral Management and Education
Consumer Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS).
Day Treatment
Home Delivered Meals
Home Modification
Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)
Medication Reminder
Mental Health Counseling
Non-Medical Transportation
Peer Mentorship
Personal Care (with Remote Supports options)
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
Specialized Medical Equipment and Supplies
Substance Abuse Counseling
Supported Living Program
Transition Set Up
Transitional Living Program
To be eligible for the BI waiver:
You must be 16 years or older
You must have a brain injury
Your brain injury occurred before your 65th birthday
Your diagnosis must fit within certain categories
You must need long-term services as you would get in a nursing home or a hospital