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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Program 

A&I Avenues' Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Program helps to connect families to services that address the challenges of individuals ages 5-26 who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnoses but do not qualify for Colorado state-funded waiver services.


This program is a “family-led” program which means that families work with their support team/ASD Coordinator to direct county funding towards the services of A&I Avenues' contracted providers. The ASD Program offers families connection to a wide range of provider & therapists in the Boulder County area.  This program is unique in the state of Colorado, and only serves individuals living in Boulder and Broomfield counties. The program serves individuals ages 5-26 and offers support for a single three-year period.

Have questions or are interested in getting started?

Please contact the intake department at (303) 439-7011 to find out if your family member is eligible for the program.  You will find the link to the A&I Avenues' application at the bottom of this page.


Families who are already enrolled in the ASD Program and need assistance may contact the ASD Program Coordinator at or (303) 439-7011. For general information about Autism call the Autism Society of Boulder County at 720-272-8231, or contact them by clicking on this link: Autism Society of Boulder County Website.


ASD Program Goals


The goal of this program is to provide families a method of selecting services that promotes the most cost-effective means to address the significant challenges to their child participating in family and community activities. This includes:

  • Offering innovative supports to local children and adolescents who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who do not meet state criteria for intellectual and developmental disabilities so they may live fulfilling lives of independence and quality in their homes and communities.

  • Reducing the added stress on families that results from supporting a family member who has ASD.

  • Making beneficial services available to address the challenges of persons who have ASD.


How to apply for the ASD Program


Please complete the A&I Avenues intake application. In order to be determined eligible for the ASD program you will need to submit supporting documentation of the following:

  • A medical diagnosis of autism

  • Both IQ and adaptive scores above 70

If you have questions about completing the A&I Avenues intake application, you may contact the Intake Navigator. Eligibility is determined by A&I Avenues based upon the information submitted. Any registrant who has previously received a letter of denial of eligibility from A&I Avenues or another Case Management Agency should send a copy of that letter to the Intake Navigator. 


Available Services


Available contracted services include, but are not limited to:

  • Audiology to address Auditory Processing Disorder

  • Behavior therapy, evaluation, and intervention for social and emotional support

  • Complementary and alternative therapies * At its discretion, A&I Avenues may agree to fund a professional service or program for alternative therapies, but does not endorse, verify, recommend, or vouch for the safety, quality, or efficacy of a particular provider, program, or treatment

  • Equipment and supplies recommended by professionals

  • Family-Recruited Providers who follow social integration or behavior support plans or provide remedial tutoring

  • Medical services

  • Occupational therapy

  • Physical therapy

  • Psychiatric services

  • Psychological and Counseling services

  • Social Integration services

  • Speech-Language Therapy

  • Therapeutic Recreation and Fitness

  • Vision Therapy

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