Waiver Enrollment Process
Anyone interested in a Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver program must work with several local agencies to ensure they meet the criteria for the Medicaid waiver program that they are interested in.
1. Income and resources: The Housing and Human Services (HHS) office responsible for the county the member lives in must receive an Application for Public Assistance from the member seeking services. They will review this application and determine if the individual meets the money requirements for Medicaid waiver programs. People who do not meet the financial requirements might be able to buy into Medicaid instead.
Boulder County HHS Office - (303) 441-1000
Broomfield County HHS Office - (720) 887-2200
Gilpin County HHS Office - (303) 582-5444
2. Meeting the Social Security definition of disability: Only people who meet the Social Security definition of disability can utilize Medicaid waivers. Members can show that they have a disability according to the federal definition by either applying for SSI/SSDI through the Social Security Administration Office OR by submitting a Medicaid Disability Application to the Housing and Human Services office responsible for the county the member lives in.
Social Security Administration Louisville Office: (800) 772-1213
3. Enrolling in an HCBS Waiver: A&I will complete the remaining enrollment steps once the first two steps are done. Each waiver requires the applicant to complete a Level of Care Assessment to show that they will benefit from at least moderate support from others during day-to-day activities. We must also have a doctor sign a form called the Professional Medical Information Page stating the applicant's diagnoses and current medications. In addition to these two items, some waivers have additional enrollment steps.
Want help submitting applications to the Housing and Human Services Office or Social Security?
The Center for People
with Disabilities:
Boulder County IDD Mill Levy Systems Navigation:
Benefits in Action: